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Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Inventors Android - Andy Rubin

In the era of emerging technology is , Who is not familiar with android , an operating system that is most widely used for almost all brands of smartphones devices because it is open source . Android is the inventor Andy Rubin , who founded Android Inc. . He was dubbed the " Father of Android " Green Robots phenomenal man . Of interest here after college he then accidentally met with Bill Caswell is an Apple employee who later invited to join , at Apple he later developed a WebTV program , which is a collaboration between the television with internet services . After it was soon moved to Microsoft because Microsoft has acquired WebTV Program .

In 1999 , Andy Rubin decided to get out of Artemis Research ( which means out also from Microsoft ) , and Andy Rubin opened a store in Palo Alto , California . Andy Rubin calls his store as a laboratory , and there he had the idea to build a company by the name of Danger Inc. , Andy Rubin get success with the company Danger Inc. , with a device called the Sidekick device initially was named Danger HipTop . But success is not too long and then in 2004 decided to leave Andy Rubin Danger Inc. , and in 2008 was bought by Danger Inc. Microsoft with a very large price , according to the info Microsoft buying Danger Inc. for 500 million dollars .

Beginning of discovery Android by Andy Rubin

As of 2002 when Andy Rubin gave a lecture , Larry Page and Sergey Brin , founders of Google are also present in the lecture and after the lecture given by Andy Rubin finished , Larry Page met Andy Rubin for a closer look at the Sidekick devices . Andy Rubin finally got the idea and he set sederhanya Android Inc. that focuses recycle mobile platform provides a reliable and open source so that it can push invoasi faster for the benefit of customers . and in July 2005 , the Company Andorid Inc. was purchased by Google and Andy Rubin Giants were joining into Google .

Together with Google , Android is given extra strength and to date Android operating system has a range of innovations that make the Android operating system that debuted be beat Apple's iOS operating system has . and is the most dominate OS and devices most widely used in many smartphones in the world . Android is growing very rapidly from year to year .


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